5 Reasons to Take Kids to Savannah
Savannah, GA is a great place to spend some time with the kids for a quick family getaway or day trip. These are our favorite things about Savannah and why it is so special to visit with the little ones.

I have wanted to visit Savannah, GA since before Handyman Tim and I were even married.
I read “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil” way back when it was popular, saw the movie, and fell secretly in love with a city I’d never even visited.
I’ve been curious enough about Savannah that we came “this” close to going their for our honeymoon 12 years ago!
Knowing Savannah was just a 4 hour drive away from our new home, I’ve been chomping at the bit to head that direction.
When we were in the last-minute planning for our anniversary weekend in Hilton Head, we struggled to find a hotel that had room both Friday & Saturday night.
That’s when it hit me–Here is my opportunity!!
We could drive down to Savannah on Friday, tour around and stay the night, get up on Sat. and head to Hilton Head! After all, there are just so many things to do in Hilton Head, we were eager to get there quickly.
This solution absolutely made my weekend. We may have only been in town for 5 hours total but I finally got a peek at this city that has been on my travel list for at least 15 years.
I’d love to share with you my five favorite things about Savannah:
1. The TREES
First of all, it must be said. What is with these southern trees??
I noticed it first in Charlotte, but I was mesmerized in Savannah.
The trees here in the south are nothing short of amazing. Huge, sweeping, intricate. I love them. But Savannah offers one thing more–that Spanish Moss dangling from the trees. I’ve never seen anything like it.
2. The Squares
Parking proved to be a bit of an issue for us so Tim dropped us off in one of Savannah’s several squares.
I hung out with the girls while he took care of the car. The girls loved running around the open space, looking at the fountain, playing on the benches, and just general chilling out while waiting for daddy.
The squares we saw were all surrounded by gorgeous housing and retail. I could have strolled forever just looking at the quaint architecture.
3. The Riverwalk
We spent the majority of our visit down by the river walk.
The girls were smitten with this riverboat and I fell in love with the cobblestone street and little shops & restaurants.
We were nearly overcome by the heat and the humidity so Tim ran for water and we parked it on some more benches and watched the boats pass by.
In this open space there was a giant sandbox, street performers, people watching, and so much to view and take in.
4. The Ice Cream
After dinnertime, we made the trek to Leopold’s old fashioned ice cream parlor. Talk about a little piece of Americana!
I indulged in a flavor called rum bisque. I couldn’t even tell you what everyone else got, I was too absorbed with devouring mine.
The ambiance was perfect but the girls were especially drawn to the retro juke box in the corner.
We had such a laugh trying to explain the concept of records and juke boxes.
5. The Pace
Our time in Savannah was all about slowing way down. We strolled. We sat. We watched. We lingered. The girls twirled and explored.
Honestly, it’s not so much about the “things to see” in Savannah, it’s more about just absorbing the vibe. It is quaint and southern and romantic and beautiful all rolled into one.
After a summer of non-stop museums and theme-parks and attractions, it was refreshing to be someplace that had no timetable.
Where we could just enjoy the open public spaces and I could watch the light changing and take pictures of my daughters.
Savannah might be top of my list for portrait sessions with my girls.
There were dozens of amazing backgrounds I could have placed them in and the light is diffused by those amazing sweeping tress I mentioned earlier.
I love these shots of the girls and I count them among their milestone photos for this year.
Have you been to Savannah?
Which favorites would you add to this list?
I’m already dreaming about our next visit. . .