Capturing Vacation Tough Spots
Family vacations with toddlers aren’t always “photo worthy.” Or, are they? Capture the REAL memories of life with young kids with these tips.

After all the happy moments and smiles you’ve captured from your vacation, it’s not a bad idea to also collect a few very real moments.
Traveling with young children always brings a challenge or two as naptimes get pushed and little energy stores wear out. Our trip to Disney was an exhausting experience for both girls and when they hit that wall who did they turn to? Daddy.
I want to remember the days where big strong Daddy could pick our little ones up and carry them through theme parks providing comfort and rest. I love the sweet looks on their faces as they curl into him for protection.
This one is blurry because Handyman Tim was walking quickly back to the car with one exhausted little girl and I didn’t have the heart to ask him to stop so I could catch the shot. There’s something about the blur factor that actually adds to this moment because I remember his haste to get her back to bed.
But they don’t always have to be sweet and gentle reminders, they can be goofy too:
Tim is totally hamming it up at this point. He carried her all the way from just before the big Epcot ball to the parking lot. His feet were killing him but he just didn’t have the heart to put her down.
We also caught this moment when Little Pea passed out in the stroller. Neither girl has ever been a stroller napper, this is just one more testament to how much fun they’d been having.
I love how real these moments are, they added such emotional diversity to our family vacation album. Have you captured a candid real non-smiley/happy moment from a trip that still brought back a fond memory?